Category: DFIR

MalDoc Analysis – Dosfuscation 0

MalDoc Analysis – Dosfuscation

Last night a colleague showed us an email which seemingly looked like a Phishing email. Best thing was the Threat Source had done a proper recon to identify individuals working in the company. The redacted portion was the name of...

PowerForensics-Windows-LNK-Analysis 1

PowerForensics – Windows LNK Analysis

  What? .LNK is the extension used by Shortcut Files in Windows. We normally place a ton of shortcuts on our desktop and sometimes in other folders as well. These shortcuts (LNK) files are binary files that contain information needed...


Super Timeline Using ELK Stack

ELK Stack is a collection of three components – Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana Logstash – This component is responsible for processing incoming data. It takes input from different sources, executes different transformations and stores the results in Elasticsearch or other...